Authors : Galal M. Binmakhashen , Sabri A. Mahmoud Authors Info & Claims
Article No.: 109, Pages 1 - 36 Published : 16 October 2019 Publication History 108 citation 3,313 Downloads Total Citations 108 Total Downloads 3,313 Last 12 Months 524 Last 6 weeks 58 Get Citation AlertsThis alert has been successfully added and will be sent to: You will be notified whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited.
To manage your alert preferences, click on the button below. Manage my AlertsDocument layout analysis (DLA) is a preprocessing step of document understanding systems. It is responsible for detecting and annotating the physical structure of documents. DLA has several important applications such as document retrieval, content categorization, text recognition, and the like. The objective of DLA is to ease the subsequent analysis/recognition phases by identifying the document-homogeneous blocks and by determining their relationships. The DLA pipeline consists of several phases that could vary among DLA methods, depending on the documents’ layouts and final analysis objectives. In this regard, a universal DLA algorithm that fits all types of document-layouts or that satisfies all analysis objectives has not been developed, yet. In this survey paper, we present a critical study of different document layout analysis techniques. The study highlights the motivational reasons for pursuing DLA and discusses comprehensively the different phases of the DLA algorithms based on a general framework that is formed as an outcome of reviewing the research in the field. The DLA framework consists of preprocessing, layout analysis strategies, post-processing, and performance evaluation phases. Overall, the article delivers an essential baseline for pursuing further research in document layout analysis.
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