TOPN: Table of Popular Names

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966

An act may refer to only a portion of a Public Law. The tables below are for the entire Public Law.

Pub. L. Section Status USC Title USC Section Authorizes
113 Rep. 15 1402
117(b)-(e) Rep. 15 1301 nt
117(a) Rep. 15 1301-1303, 1321-1323
122 Rep. 15 1403 nt
401 49 30302 nt
1, 101 Rep. 15 1381, 1381 nt
102-112 Rep. 15 1391-1401
114-116 Rep. 15 1403-1405
118-121 Rep. 15 1406-1409
123-125 Rep. 15 1410-1410b
151-160 Rep. 15 1411-1420
201-205 Rep. 15 1421-1425
206, 301 Rep. 15 1426, 1431
301-303 Rep. 15 1381 nt