Flip Your Future : How to Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams, and Make Six Figures Your First Year Flipping Real Estate

What if you were able to quit your job today and make six figures in 12 months or less? Would you take the chance and go for it? Flip Your Future is the step by step guide on how to achieve your dreams through flipping houses

Whether you're new or experienced in real estate investing, Flip Your Future will teach you everything you need to know about flipping houses to ensure maximum profitability--and security for your future.

Об авторе (2018)

Ryan Pineda embarked upon his real estate journey in 2010. As an agent, he barely made enough money to pay the bills. He was in desperate need of ideas for generating extra income for his family. When he figured out how to flip homes, he realized this was what he should have been doing all along. In 2015, with only $10,000 in the bank, he officially began his real estate investing career. Three years after taking that leap of faith, he became a millionaire and has purchased over 100 homes in seven different states. His desire is to share his story, inspire others, and teach anyone how to do the same.

Библиографические данные

Название Flip Your Future: How to Quit Your Job, Live Your Dreams, and Make Six Figures Your First Year Flipping Real Estate
Автор Ryan Pineda
Издатель BookBaby, 2018
ISBN 1543932460, 9781543932461
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 102
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