Information Resources for Medical Students: Writing & Citing


The UF Writing Studio is a free service for UF students and faculty. In addition to providing one-on-one consultations, they have a number of workshops, including several specific to medical and scientific writing.

Module from the UF Dean of Students Office, 28 minutes Many UF instructors use Turnitin to ensure that submitted work is not the result of plagiarism. Offered by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity

Purdue OWL has some great resources for correctly citing and attributing to other authors in your own writing. This resource focuses on avoiding plagiarism.

Article in the Annals of Medical & Health Sciences Research, 2014 This game on avoiding plagiarism was created at UF!

Tips on Scientific Writing

The following books on writing are available through the Health Science Libraries' Catalog:

ISBN: 9783319418988 Publication Date: 2016

This book provides medical students and physicians with a practical, step-by-step guide on how to write and publish a medical case report. This book guides readers through the process from choosing a case to report on to finding a publisher and then comment on future directions and potential new uses of case reports, including expanded computer case databases to optimize care for individual patients and new applications in medical education.

ISBN: 3642394469 Publication Date: 2014

This self-help guide is intended for students, scientists, and medical professionals who wish to improve their scientific writing skills. Exercises invite the reader to practice the most important aspects of scientific writing.

ISBN: 9789385062292 Publication Date: 2016

Writing a medical paper, or any other scientific text, is full of pitfalls which make it difficult to get it accepted for publication. This unique book gives practical advice on how one can circumvent these dangers. It is richly filled with examples, predominantly negative ones. which exhibit how one should not write a medical paper. This book highlights the fallibilities that manuscripts are often susceptible to, and hence will help writers avoid committing those mistakes.

ISBN: 1107691931 Publication Date: 2014

The authors draw on fifty years of experience, providing detailed step-by-step guidance designed to help students and researchers write and present scientific manuscripts more successfully through knowledge, practice, and an efficient approach. Retaining the user-friendly style of the previous editions, this fourth edition has been broadened to include detailed information relevant to today's digital world. It covers all aspects of the writing process, from first drafts, literature retrieval, and authorship to final drafts and electronic publication. A new section provides extensive coverage of ethical issues, from plagiarism and dual publication to honesty in reporting statistics.

ISBN: 9780803638204 Publication Date: 2016

Addresses how Patient/Client Management and SOAP notes work in accordance with the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapy Practice and WHO's ICF model. Features exercises and worksheets at the end of each section and chapter. Provides samples of both correct and incorrect note writing. Teaches readers how to write a defensible note. Offers a quick review of medical terminology and abbreviations used in note writing.